Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Beginning of My "Passion"

Now, don't get too excited --I'm not talking about my sexual drives here I'm talking about the beginning of my passion for jewelry design and creation. Sorry, I hope I haven't disappointed you too much. Oh well!
About 6 years ago I was invited to a wedding of a dear friends daughter. WooHoo, another excuse to go shopping, and I just love that! Looked around and found a fabulous 2 piece outfit. Black background, red and orange flowers and green leaves. The skirt had an assymetrical hem and the top was pretty low at the bossom. Now, that's not meant to be sexual! Or is it? Ah ha!!!
Okay, okay, now on to accessories. Looked around and found a really lovely red etched glass pair of flower earrings that accented the outfit perfectly. Happy I was--however, now I really needed a necklace for that low cut bossom. Again, I was off to the stores but this time I was quite disappointed by the necklaces shown and their riduculously high prices. Are these stores crazy?--no, I guess the shoppers are for buying all this commercially made jewelry that is over priced and not made very well. I found something I liked however, as soon as I saw the price I nearly "freaked" out!
Are they kidding? How do they get away with this? Again, it's the shoppers who actually buy these things! Shame on them for not buying HANDMADE!!!
Anyway, I checked out how the necklace was made and being "a crafter all my life" I knew that I could make my own piece of jewelry. So, off I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a cup of decaffinated cafe latte with a few books on jewelry on my table to read. Well, after reading a few pages I was off to Michael's Craft Store to buy some nice red beads and the basic supplies.
After a few attempts--getting that necklace to stay taut was not easy at first--I created my own funky and cool necklace! So proud I was of this accomplishment. So, I wore the necklace at the wedding-- which went quite well with my earrings and outfit--and you know what? People came over to ask me where I bought that cool necklace from. When I told them I made it myself a number of them asked if I could make something for them that they'd actually pay for. Oh yea, I certainly could and get paid for it--"Oh yea, WooHoo, cool, groovy, and out of sight!"
The real surprising thing is that I enjoyed making jewelry alot. I even found that it is quite therapeutic. Yea, that's what I said--quite relaxing indeed! As time went by I found that there is no end to my ideas about designs. My mind is constantly thinking about new things to make. In fact, all I need for inspiration is a bunch of beads and I'm off designing something. I have become quite passionate--not to mention addicted-- to this artistic craft and find that there is so much to learn and so much more for me to create. Hooray!!!
Now, "that's my story and I'm sticking to it"!

Well, that's all for now. Talk to you later.


  1. beadlady5, you are always making me laugh. It's nice to hear what inspired you to become a jewelry designer!

  2. why thank you libertydoll--it is most appreciated darlin'

  3. Hey Margo, your story has intrigued me! Would you please post a picture of this necklace you made? Please....?
